If You Build It, They Will Come.

Tuesday, October 09, 2001

Know what's funny? Idiosyncrasies. Some are so wonderful and they make you really happy when you see them, and some just annoy the living bejesus out of you. I used to love it when my ex-girlfriend would repeat a word three times when she got excited. "Yeah, yeah, yeah....!" I loved that! But I used to hate it when Nopa would throw his arms up in celebration after he said something funny. (BTW that doesn't really bug me anymore... actually he doesn't do it a lot anymore. No offense there, buddy.) It's just that, some people really love the idiosyncrasies that other people can't stand. I wonder why that is. I mean sometimes it's enough to totally turn you off to a person. I can think of a few people that bug me quickly because that notion of annoyance floats around them for me like fruit flies around a two week old peach. It doesn't take much, because it's already there. It has started before it starts.

I'm not really annoyed at this point. I'm just stalling because I have to do some philosiphy homework. So what else can I talk about.

Know what I've learned about girls and relationships and stuff like that? When it rains, it pours. When it doesn't rain, its a freakin' desert. For me, there has never been a slight drizzle. I wonder why that is. Maybe I'm really this really cool chick magnet, and then I hook up with someone, and then the relationship goes bad, and then I become a jerk for a while because I feel bad about a bad relationship, or I'm just sad and stuff, and then girls don't like me when I'm a jerk or whatever, so then one day I stop being a jerk and the chick magnet comes on again. Heh heh. That'd be cool. I'd like to belive that... It's just that I can go an entire summer, and granted there wasn't that many people around, but, I can go that whole time and have no one even look at me. Now I'm getting digits without even asking. Twice now. Girls are robbing their own businesses of expensive materials just to give me. Girls are writing stories, and staying up with me really late playing stupid games. I'm getting in tickle fights again. Chicks are driving hours just to hang out with me for a night. I'm doing body shots, I'm getting birthday cards from girls I don't even know.

Go me.____

Okay, now I overdramatized all that, but it is accurate. I have never once bragged about such things. Not once. This blog makes up for all of it. My friend BA taught me something. He pointed out that there is a difference between being confident and being vain, just like there is a difference between being modest and not giving yourself credit where credit is due. The problem with me was that I would take any confidence I had and automatically call it vanity. Ok well he didn't say that word for word, but after talking with him for a while, I actually discovered a lot. There is a huge difference in being modest, and just not giving yourself any credit. If you do something cool, don't play it off like it's no big deal for fear of bragging, and don't act like its the greatest thing in the world. Just give yourself credit. You deserve it. You're good enough, smart enough, and doggone it, people like you.


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