If You Build It, They Will Come.

Monday, January 28, 2002

Heute ist montag. Ich habe klassen zum ein Uhr und es ist die ersten zeit ich gehe. Warum? Ich bin eine schlect studenten. Nein.

So anyway, last night was inventory night at work. I don't like inventory night. I was there until 11:30pm. I went to Barbell's place afterwards to watch the X-Files, which she so generously sacrificed her copy of the Rocky Horror Picture Show to tape for me. Thanks T.W.

I woke up this morning at 8:15. The shades on the window by my bed were open. I rolled over and looked outside and the sky was like a really beautiful pinkish color. I sat up and looked outside and saw a really great sunrise. The sun was a reddish dark orange, coming up over the horizon. The window was cracked a little and it was kind of cold, but the air was fresh and crisp. It kind of made my entire morning.

My screenplay is up to 42 pages now. It's by far the biggest thing I've ever written. I'm having trouble figuring out part of it, but the other half is pretty much set up in my mind.

In two ways I feel better than I've felt in a while. Both are in ways that I feel about things in my life. Like I said, I feel something familiar, but something comes with that that is really refreshing. Something else too. I remember how I felt about Kristine, and how much it hurt when she ditched me before prom. I remember being really broken up about it. I realize that I haven't talked to her in about two years, and it's not out of anger. I don't think about her that much anymore. Then there was Erin who I was absolutely crazy about. She's married, and she's still one of my closest friends. I talk to her all the time, but I don't think about her in that way anymore. I'm very happy for her and Nick. Which brings me to Laura. I felt like I was over her during the summer last year. Then she moved back here. I think we experienced what was known as an extinction burst. In the last couple weeks, I've realized she is a great friend, but I don't feel anything for her anymore. I'm sure it was sped up by something else. I think I finally got a taste of what I was missing. It made me kind of realize that I was clinging to something that I didn't even want anymore. TW, you are one of my best friends, I hope you always be. Sometimes I can't believe I feel this way. I remember thinking that after Krissy and Erin too. After feeling it for so long, it's almost strange to not anymore. It's very liberating. :)

Anyway, it's been a good day so far. I hope it keeps up.


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