If You Build It, They Will Come.

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men...

Dear Everyone,

Hey everyone. As most of you know I've gotten into a film school in Florida. This means I'm moving out of Kalamazoo and headed down. It's exciting, because this is what I want to do with my life. It's sad because I gotta leave all of you. You guys who I met and became such tight friends with for the last six years. It's all been a lot of fun. It's been good and bad, and ugly. The school starts in September, and I was planning on moving in June, giving us all four more months of hurrahs. Unfortunately things have changed.

I haven't been on my feet since I got canned at Select Comfort. It was true in past posts how I had no idea how I was going to afford this move. Then I got in this gnarly car crash, and there was a glimmer of hope. If my truck was totalled, I'd have a sizable stash with which to live, buy film, move, and all the other hoopla that goes with it. I found out yesterday that it was only a glimmer of hope.

As it stands I've been unable to find another job in the area. It was tough before the Electrolux plant in Greenville closed, but now a few thousand other people are looking for work too. Bottom line is this. If I stay at my $6/hr 15hr/week current rate, I'll never be able to make it.

So it is with my head held low that I must make that plunge that every college student dreads making. If I'm ever going to save money to do what I need to do, I've got to go back home.

The worst part of all is that I have to do so as soon as possible. Our four months of last hurrahs has now become at most two or three weeks.

I'll be back for Rob and Lola's wedding. I'm still going to premiere the movie in Kalamazoo. But as for the rest of my time, I'm headed back to the booming metropolis that is Lexington Ohio.

I'm sure we'll keep in touch. And if you ever need to catch up with me, I'll still be writing on this page. I won't be hard to find. I'll keep people updated as to what's happening in Ohio and Florida. I'll write. I hope you guys will too.

Like I said. This didn't go exactly as planned. You guys have all meant so much to me and I love you all. This feels exactly like freshman year of high school again, when I'm too suddenly kicked out of West Michigan to go live in the middle of nowhere Ohio. Except this time I know what to expect.

At any rate, peeps, no feeling sad. We need to get together and make these last two weeks of hurrahs worth the four months they were supposed to be. We need to party, and then someone needs to come pick me up. :)



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