If You Build It, They Will Come.

Wednesday, August 15, 2001

Sometimes I confuse myself. Sometimes I believe what I want to believe rather than what I do believe. Sometimes I really like who I've become. Sometimes I truly hate myself. Sometimes I think I'm right, sometimes I just want to think I'm right. Sometimes I'm really cool, and sometimes I'm not. Sometimes I want to party and be happy and run around with friends and laugh and have a good time. Sometimes I want to pack up my gear, move to Colorado, change my name, forget this life and start all over again. I am consistant in inconsistancy. I am a constant wildcard. This is my open mind, I guess. This is not a bad thing. This is uncertainty. This is moodiness. This is instability. This is normal.

The previous was an excersize in stream of consciousness. For those of you who don't know, it's when you write or type without stopping, without actually truly thinking about what it is you write. After reading it, I'm as lost as you. :)

Anyway, I was at work today and I was bored. Surprise. I found a magazine called "American Legion" sitting on a table, so I decided to check it out. I read two articles before becoming quite angry and throwing the magazine away. I then realized it wasn't mine, but decided to leave it in the garbage anyhow.

Do you know what an "Elitist" is? It's someone who thinks "I am more worldly, educated, and knowledgable than most, and therefore know what's best for most, and therefore can make rules affecting most. (The irony is that this magazine oozed with conservatism, and denounced it at the same time.) They had listed, in this article, ways to spot an elitist. Ten of them. One of these was that they claim George Bush is at least slightly unintellegent. Another is that they constantly look at themselves in a mirror, and look as if they like what they see. But my favorite was number ten. Ten was simply "They wear cufflinks."

...CUFFLINKS!? That's it?? They think they're better because of cufflinks??? Ok, so I decided, I could add ten more...

11.) They change their shirt at least once every three days and shower at least once weekly.
12.) They have never had sex with a family member, nor any barnyard animal.
13.) They live in a "house", "apartment", or "condiminum", and not a trailer.
14.) They do not own a pick-up truck.
15.) They know how to tie a necktie.
16.) They have worn a white shirt to work.
17.) They have never shot an animal.
18.) They don't think Metallica is the greatest band ever, next to Foghat.
19.) They do not own a confederate flag, and are not a member of the NRA.
20.) They do not chew tobacco.

People actually READ this crap. Elitist is another word for "management." For people who make decisions. I swear, these people I work with, I used to like them because they were nice to me. I used to stick up for them. The people who have been working on a factory floor for 35 years, I used to stick up for them. Those days are over.

They complain. OH they complain. "Management are idiots" and "We can't work as fast as they say, it's impossible!" and "I'd like to see THEM try our jobs." This little rant I'm going to go on is going to sound like Randall from the movie "Clerks", I can hear it in my head already. But shut the f^$# up already! They get paid $25 an hour for doing a job that a retarded 8 year old off the street could learn to do in 20 minutes. You push f*&#ing buttons. (That's straight from Clerks) You move metal. GM is a multi-billion dollar company. You think that's because of you? You over-compensate for having what's basically a monkey's job. (Clerks). No, it's because of intellegent people who went to school and decided to apply themselves in life, and not settle for mediocraty. At least respect them for that and don't automatically naysay everything they say just because it makes you feel cool. I have no problem with you, but have no delusions about what you do. And don't get indignant. $25 an hour and you're bitching? I've worked harder jobs for $5.25 an hour. Jobs that require you to actually THINK! Heaven forbid.

I had a shirt on today that I got as a promotional deal from Babbages (before I ever worked there) when the game "Burn:Cycle" came out. (Burn:Cycle is still one of my favorite games, but you'll never find it anywhere ever again.) The plot is that it's a Bladerunner-esque future, and everyone has computers implanted in their head like Keanu Reeves in "Johnny Mneumonic." You are a character named Sol Cutter who is a datathief, one who steals data, and sells it to others. One day, Cutter downloads a virus into his head and he (and you) have literally two hours to get it out, or his head explodes. The point is on the back of the shirt, there's a phrase: "Use your brain or lose your mind." This has become my new motto.

What a rant, eh? I just had to unload. Don't subscribe to "American Legion." It explained how "elitists" tell you their ideas are right and yours are wrong. Then the next article completely bashed any viewpoint that wasn't Nugent/Limbaugh/Hitler conservative. Oh well, it's obvious the subscribers are brain-dead anyhow. I'm sure they didn't even notice.


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