If You Build It, They Will Come.

Saturday, December 22, 2001

Is it just Muslims that blow up buildings? Is that the image we're painting? I have to believe that if the World Trade Center Towers were a pair of giant abortion clinics, bomb happy Christians would've knocked them down a long time ago. They of course wouldn't speak for all Christians, just like Osama bin Laden doesn't speak for all Muslims.

I'm still stuck on this guy from two nights ago. He was talking about people who didn't follow the Bible and how they were all going to burn. A thought came to me. I want to test it out...

God wrote this.

Now... think about that. This has as much logical merit as the Bible does. You have to believe in God. Why? It says so in the Bible. Why should you believe the Bible? It was written by God, and God is infallable. Just like this. You have to believe that God wrote this. Why? It says so on this webpage. Why should you believe the webpage? Because it was written by God, and God is infallable.

The real question is, how do you know that God wrote this? Even deeper of a question is, how can you define God's existance by begging the question? In other words, how can you use the idea that God exists to prove God exists? Ockham's Razor (the idea that the simplest answer is usually the right answer) would dictate that the Bible was written by man, and the idea of an infallable author was inserted as a Catch-22 to make people believe that God must be there. But if God doesn't exist, then what is the Bible, other than a book, no more relevant to life than "The Hobbit" or "1984." Not even if God doesn't exist, but if Christianity is false. Which I'm sure it is to some degree.

On a slighty different topic, but not really. I want to write about reality. So here we go...

1.) This is not a perfect world. Nor will it ever be. The sun will not shine every day. The traffic will not flow everyday. There will not be rainbows and happy go lucky birds flying through the sky everyday. So stop. Stop trying to change the rules for everybody to save the few that slip through the cracks. Life is unfair. Innocent people die. Everyday. There's nothing you can do to stop it. Kids get shot at school. People are put in the chair for things they didn't do. Bombs go off in the wrong places. Should we home school all our kids? Should we get rid of the criminal justice system? Should we stop all fighting and simply roll over? Hell no. Mistakes are made all the time, we are human, it comes with the territory. Life is unfair. I'm going to say that again. Life is unfair. This isn't a perfect place, you can't make it be a perfect place, no matter how hard you try. You can't prevent a psychopath, you can't stop an accident, you can't predict a freak occurance. You can always look back and say "I should've done this." But whoopdee shit, you didn't so move on. You can always learn, you can always take something from everything. But a system or a practice or an event that is 99% effective is not a failure. That one percent is what is known as an acceptable loss. If I drop a bomb and kill 99 terrorists and one innocent person, I'm sorry Johnny Innocent, but you were in the wrong spot. It's terrible that you were there, I'm sorry, but the mission was still a success. If I execute 500 murderers on Death Row and one turned out to be innocent, I'm sorry. But that's still a 99.8% effective rate, and that's pretty damn good. I'll feel bad. We'll all be upset. But when murderer number 501 comes around, he's still going to die. Nobody is perfect. It may sound like I'm trivializing Johnny Innocent's life. I may be. But Christ, he was a person. Just like you, just like me. I'm sorry he's gone, I really am. But when an innocent victim in World War 2 was killed, the Allies didn't just say, "Crap, Johnny Innocent died. Guys, let's pack it up. War's over, an innocent guy just got fragged. Sorry. Nazi's, Europe is yours."

2.) People are stupid. Not all people, but a lot of people. The sad thing is, this cannot be helped. People go through life and don't think things through. People like to be led. Like sheep. People can hear something and believe it is gospel truth, for whatever reason they choose. People like Rush Limbaugh. A lot of people are satisfied with stupidity. That's okay. I'm in college. There are a lot of smart people here. An entire environment filled with smarter people starts to make you forget that it is a special environment. People fly confederate flags. Why? They are stupid. People attack me because I learn fake knowledge from college professors instead of real truths from Ted Nugent and Charleton Heston. In life you are the sheep or the shepard. You are a mindless drone or a queen bee. You are spoken for or outspoken. You are given your opinons or you find them yourself. But we need you both.

3.) Communism is a good theory, but it doesn't work. People are in poverty. People are rich. Humanity is greedy. Humanity is lazy. Humanity works in a way that seems unfair. Every know and then gets shaken up, and eventually settles right back to where it started. It's like silly putty. You can shape it any way you want, but if you leave it there afterwards, it eventually becomes a little pink puddle again. The perfect human society is one where there are people on top and people on bottom. The United States revolted from England in 1776 to create a better newer society. One where taxes didn't get imposed without the say of the people. To one where everyone had a voice, a say. To one by the people, for the people. To one where everyone was equal. Look at us now. We are England 1776. Taxes are made without the peoples consent. Not everyone has a say (presidential election 2000.) Not everyone is equal. Rich people and corporations rule the country while we all lie underneath, brushed around like dust in a windstorm. This is where humanity settles. This is our natural state. Disrupt it all you want, this is our little pink puddle. Communism failed because humanity cannot work harder that someone else and still get the same thing. We need rich people living the glamorous life, so we underneath have a picture, a video byte to strive for, to cling to, to say, "I'm going to work hard, and that's going to be me someday."

4.) All men are not created equal. I am not you, you are not me. Men are not women, women are not men. Blacks are not whites are not latino are not asian. We are not equal. We are different. There are pros and cons. Men cannot flirt out of a traffic ticket. Women cannot work in a strip club 31 days in the month. Again, this is not a perfect world. You have pros, I have pros. You have cons, I have cons. Personally, and many women friends of mine agree with me, I think women have it easier. Not much easier, but slightly. People will go against you because you're a woman, because you're a man, because you're black, because you're white. It sucks, yes. But life is unfair. Accept it. Just accept it. I don't owe you a million dollars because I made you feel uncomfortable at work by looking at your breasts, like you don't owe me for saying men are pigs. Just deal with it.

That's all. All I can muster. For now. Ah, I feel a little better.


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