If You Build It, They Will Come.

Thursday, March 25, 2004

One time my cousin Cammi told me a joke.

There was this little girl in her room trying to fall asleep. It was dark and scary in her room and she was having a hard time sleeping. Then suddenly she heard a voice from her closet say "I got you where I want you, and now I'm gonna EAT you!" The girl got really scared, and she hid under her covers. The voice said again, "I got you where I want you and now I'm gonna EAT you!" Terrified, the girl screamed for her mom. The mom came running in and the girl screamed, "Mom there's a voice in my closet, and it keeps saying "I got you where I want you and now I'm gonna EAT you!" The mom walked to the closet and opened the door, and inside was a monkey picking his nose.

We were like six when she told me that joke.


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