If You Build It, They Will Come.

Sunday, June 02, 2002


God, I am a dick. Your birthday was yesterday and I didn't call or anything. It totally slipped my mind. I knew it was your birthday the day before. I was all ready to give you a call, it was so on my "to do" list and then this morning I just totally blanked on the whole thing. I can't believe it. I am truly an asshole. I hate me. Stupid, stupid little me.

Anyways, I hope you're doing better, and I hope your yard work wasn't that hard. I miss you, and I'm so sorry that I am such an ass. I can't believe I forgot. I really can't. It was the only important thing I had to do today. Of course there was work and pay rent, but those were slightly less important than "Call Tera on her Birthday." And I botched it. So very very sorry.

Joe = Mongoloid.


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